
Weapon Details: Glock 40   (Created: 25.04.2017, Changed: 25.04.2017)

Weapon Details | Market monitoring (26) | Ammunition (1) | Accessories (1)

Weapon Details (Top):

Weapon:Glock 40
Manufacturer:Glock Ges.m.b.H.
Calibre:10mm Auto
Permission required:Ger: Waffenerwerbschein der zuständigen Polizeibehörde.
AVG2 (CH): Patreon only!
Price statistics
Glock 40
Text only available in German:

Dating Glock pistols

The Glock pistols which were proof fired in Austria have three additional letters next to the Viennese proof sign ("NPV"). These letters indicate the date of proof or manufacture.

The letters are resolved as follows:

The first letter is the coded month:
E: JanuaryL: FebruaryN: March
B: AprilS: MayZ: June
G: JulyP: AugustI: September
C: OctoberV: NovemberA: December

Letters 2. and 3. are the year of manufacture (19xx or 20xx)
O: 0W: 1K: 2R: 3F: 4
M: 5H: 6Y: 7T: 8D: 9

The Glock 17 Gen. 1 on this Picture (code "NTF") was manufactured in March 1984.
The Glock 18 Gen. 2 on this Picture (code "BDK") was manufactured in April 1992.
The on this Picture (code "VWK") was manufactured in November 2012.
The Glock 43x on this Picture (code "IWD") was manufactured in September 2019.
The Glock 19 Gen. 5 KaPo Graubünden, Fehlnummerierung on this Picture (code "LKO") was manufactured in February 2020.

Newer Glock pistols are marked with the datecode on the front part of the frame (code VGM, Picture) and later directly with the date, such as here for example a Glock 20, manufactured in October 2020 (Picture) or this Glock 18C, manufactured in April 2023 (Picture).


Market monitoring (Top):

18.09.2024    petitesann…    6977423        Différents modèles de Glocks, neufs, en 10m…    CHF    725.00  
26.05.2024    Joray Mari…    3688        Glock 40 Gen4 MOS Pistole    CHF    890.00  
29.04.2024    waffengebr…    32525        Glock 40 MOS Gen 4 10mm Auto    CHF    800.00  
22.08.2023    Joray Mari…    3688        Glock 40 Gen4 MOS Pistole    CHF    890.00  
29.04.2023    Joray Mari…    3688        Glock 40 Gen4 MOS Pistole    CHF    890.00  
14.03.2023    NaturAktiv…    45833        GLOCK 40 Gen4 MOS Pistole 10mm Auto    CHF    965.50  
04.02.2023    Joray Mari…    3688        Glock 40 Gen4 MOS Pistole    CHF    890.00  
01.02.2023    eGun Schwe…    153422        Glock 40 Gen.4 MOS 10mm    CHF    800.00  
03.04.2022    gebrauchtw…    58311        Glock 40 10mm Auto    CHF    1'150.00  
02.04.2022    waffengebr…    17072        Glock G40 Gen4 MOS    CHF    1'150.00  
29.05.2021    NaturAktiv…    52027        GLOCK 40 Gen4 MOS Pistole 10mm Auto    CHF    800.00  
26.03.2021    munitionsd…    W124042        Pistole Glock 40 Gen4 MOS 10mm Auto; occ.    CHF    999.00  
18.03.2021    Joray Mari…    FFW2731        Glock 40 Pistole Gen. 4 MOS    CHF    850.00  
15.02.2021    munitionsd…    W121684        Pistole Glock 40 Gen4 MOS 10mm Auto    CHF    949.00  
23.01.2021    petitesann…    5598906        Glock 40 MOS (10MM Auto)    CHF    1'000.00  
09.06.2020    M426 Syste…    GLOCK-33560        Pistole GLOCK 40 Gen4 MOS, Kaliber 10mmAuto    CHF    1'066.00  
07.06.2020    gebrauchtw…    37067        Glock 40 Gen 4. MOS 10mm Auto    CHF    760.00  
02.05.2020    gebrauchtw…    35770        Glock 40mos 10mm Auto    CHF    1'100.00  
13.03.2020    Joray Mari…    FFW2297        Glock Pistole 40 Gen. 4 MOS    CHF    990.00  
01.03.2020    gebrauchtw…    33857        Glock 40 Gen. 4 10mm Auto    CHF    760.00  
12.01.2020    gebrauchtw…    32533        10mm Auto    CHF    950.00  
06.01.2020    petitesann…    5196702        Glock 40 Gen4 à vendre ou échanger.    CHF    1'000.00  
02.01.2020    gebrauchtw…    32266        10mm Auto    CHF    850.00  
23.06.2019    Schild Waf…    195        Glock 40GEN4 MOS, Kal. 10mm Auto    CHF    1'066.00  
27.05.2018    gebrauchtw…    18432        Glock 40 cal. 10mm auto MOS/preis verhandlung…         
26.06.2023    munitionsd…    W125099        Wechsellauf IGB zu Glock 40 10mm Auto; 8"    CHF    399.00  

Ammunition (Top):

10mm Auto

Accessories (Top):

Glock magazines 10mm Auto